Linking Process

What your clients see

Quick & easy linking wizard

Once you have sent your client a link whether by email or another method they will be able to start the linking process. 

It’s quick and easy to do and clients don’t have to create an account with us or anyone else. It doesn’t have to be done on a mobile phone but it is definitely quicker and easier that way. 

They simply click the link and follow the step-by-step guide. The whole process takes less than 2 minutes.

Once complete you will be able to access their bank statements and data in your Streem Connect account. 

Click the play button on the video to see how it works. 

You can connect your current account via Plaid. Plaid provides you with account information services (AIS), through us as their agent. This grants us secure read only access to your data, and you the ability to make the most of our app/tool.

Easy to manage

Relinking is even easier

Once a client has completed the initial linking process as shown above, keeping them linked couldn’t be simpler. As we know, all open banking cvonnections last for 90 days, but with our renew connection button you can reset your bank links back to 90 days whenever you like. 

Simply click the button and follow the prompts to renew the connection and keep your customer connected. 

Occasionally the bank may for ask for a login again at which point we will email the customer as the link nears expiry and ask them to reauthenticate. 

Watch the video to see how easy the ‘Renew Connection’ feature is.