Unable to connect account to Streem Connect - Streem Connect
Unable to connect account to Streem Connect

Steps to resolve

Problems linking accounts is quite rare but there are a few things that can cause this to happen.

Is the bank supported?

We support over 100 UK banks and institutions. You can check your bank is supported here: https://streemconnect.com/supported-banks/

Using incognito or private browsing mode

Make sure the device you or your client are using to link their bank is not in incognito mode. This is usually indicated by the browser being black in colour. The linking process will not work unless this is disabled.

Old device or operating system

Devices that do not support the latest operating systems may not work with Streem Connect. To ensure the security of the linking process users must be using up to date software.

Account isn’t available to select once logged into the bank

Sometimes accounts won’t be available to share. This is most likely because the bank has open banking disabled for that account. Please contact the bank and ask them to enable open banking for you account.


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